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IoT and M2M applications


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Smart IoT London – April 12-13, 2016 – ExCel, London 

Smart IoT London, the Internet of Things event you need to attend in 2016.


IoT Evolution Conference & Expo, August 17-20, 2015 – Las Vegas

Business Transformation Through the Internet of Things

Cisco Live! San Diego June 8 – 11

Cisco Live! is the premier education event and training destination for IT professionals worldwide.

Mobile World Congress, March 2-5, Barcelona, Spain

The GSMA Mobile World Congress is a combination of the world’s largest exhibition for the mobile industry and a conference featuring prominent executives representing mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors and content owners from across the world.

Mobile World Congress, March 11-12, Cambridge, England

A meeting of the key people in European IoT – Entrepreneurs, corporates and investors. The IoT Forum focuses on realising the commercial potential of IoT and how it impacts business models. It strips out the hype and shows how IoT makes companies money. The IoT Forum is where the Internet of Things means business.

Internet of Things WORLD, May 12-13, 2015 Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA

Internet of Things World 2015 is the world’s largest and most comprehensive IoT event – with over 4,000 attendees, 275+ industry thought leaders and 150+ exhibitors. With a focus on monetizing the IoT revolution through bringing together ecosystem wide attendees, stakeholders and investors. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Technology Symposium 2
2015 IoT Technolog Symposium: Anaytics. Applications. Hardware. Software., May 21st, 2015, San Jose, CA, USA

This symposium will bring together experts to discuss the state-of-the-art hardware, software, cloud platforms, connectivity, security, standards and data analytics that will fuel the growth of IoT applications, and will focus on the core technologies, emerging applications and new market opportunities.

600 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, CA, 94304 USA
+1 (562) 646-7228

Via Scogliera 1
16031 Bogliasco (GE), Italy
+39 (010) 346 1059